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Sunday 8 August 2010

Im back with a new trick

the trick of havingyou spend the time to leave facebook just to read my blog, im honoured really i am but i think that i may have an apology to some that i need to make. I promised a book

and i diddnt deliver, thing is noone can be bothered to read a chapter every day cus here on facebook, not an online book lol. So im sorry for the odd few, emily and ben who never saw what they wanted but hey i got as bored as everyone else.

SO what is the big subject today? ill tell ya


im not just on about nudists so dont worry im not about to hurt your eyes with any disgusting nonsense you would see on jeremy kyle. People are different and over the ages this has produced the tendancy for people to judge there fellow man or woman in many harsh yet almost true ways.

For example you wont find many teenagers with nudists as freinds for one clear reason, "thats just skatty thou". oooh how judgmental but at the end of the day we all agree with that. So the point im making is that, we shouldnt judge others for there own weird and wonderful ways and all get along, i hear you say. No dont be so stupid. judging is bad but theres reasons why certain people shouldnt be freinds or even aquaintances.

You would never find a hiker enthusiast with a game designer, or a goth with a chav at least not very often. What hiker wants to sit down and hear the woes of low pixel rate a game has, or does a goth want to sit down and listen to 50 cent? nooo, and it should stay that way, we dont have the same freinds for a very good reason.

Take the original idea of nudists and teenagers, imagine if i matthew leigh had a nudist bunch of mates lets think what would happen to my social life......... thats right it would shrink. AND THAT IS SERIOUS.

"oh yeh i was hangin out with mark the other day"
"isnt he the nudist?"
"oh yeh but hes a nice guy"
"oh ..... i see"

NOOOOOooooo wouldnt be right, they live in colonys for a VERY good reason. but its the same every where, i take the mick out of ben rowe for half wearing his belt and although its only a joke it proves why i probably will never be best buds with ben rowe, we dont fit in the same situation. or why stephen cant walk into a pub and just hang out or even why jade would look so weird in the lake district with a load of hikers. THOSE PEOPLE DONT GO TOGETHER. and thats fine and everyone can agree with that yet i know that somoen reading this will be thinking "those damm(insert people here) there as normal as graham norton on crystal meth"

and this is why nudists dont have teenager freinds because although at first you understand that they are there own people with a right to not wear clothes you end up thinking " WHY DO THEY HAVE TO BE SO WEIRD" which puts an inbreakable judgment on them and therefore you avoid them even more.

All in all then the reason why people dont mix with there opposites is because a judgment is a mental substitiution for the people in question, and that judgement is what is soooo weird/wrong not the people themselves. If thats the case the only thing stopping teenagers being freinds with nudists, or goths with chavs etc, is there own stupid mind set.

the best way to beat that is to mock everyone ive been doing it for a while now and it works for me

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