Well in case you are not paying attention, yes i have a girlfreind, and yes i know that is incredible.
- SHE IS OBSESSED WITH THE COULOR OF PINK yes yes i know alot of girls like pink but then again since when have i admitted girls are normal? plusif we want to get into this equality argument as a christian i beleive adam came before eve, which makes adam the first and therefore the normal upon which eve was based on, on which women was based on, so yeh it is weird she likes pink and she is OBSESSED with it.
- SHE KNITS WHEN SHES BORED i think its quite funny that my girlfreind has the same hobbys as my grandma but heyy there has to be a point where the casual "oh i feel like knitting" turns into what catherine has turned out like. shes been known to knit ties for people and to bring her knitting into school. btw stephen that tie makes you look very handsome :P
Imagine the consequences if this problem had continued, Gemma is Cathys twin and if you know them well its dead easy to tell the difference, but when Gemma doesnt go to your 6th form there is a problem,when i first met Cathy i hadnt seen a picture of her and gemma together and was convinced it was the same person, until i met them both in town , thanks Gemma for dying your hair red, it helped alot
I do not agree with lying, however secrets dont involve lying it is just the art of NOT saying something, and someone as quiet as Cathy can be should find it easy shouldnt they? NO not this one. there is a habit of hers to turn into the coulour of her blouse/ top when under pressure trying to keep a secret, which makes it easy to spot saying that she normally wears pink or purple
i thought catherine shortened to cath or cathy or maybe cat.
KATY LIZ???????? i dont get it its weird and its strange when i hijack her phone, look through her inbox (naturally) and see messages from her family calling her just that, its almost as strange as my grandad being called by his middle name since birth. WHY NOT JUST CALL HIM KEITH BRYAN WOODWARD INSTEAD OF BRYAN KEITH WOODWARD.
you can see that gets to me quite a bit.
and thats cathy for you summed up in all her weirdness, but before you ask why im being so critical i shall redeem myself. if cathy was normal she would be nothing like me and so not my type, all her weirdnesses are what i like so much bout her so meh im not a cruel boyfreind anymore you darn critics!!!