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Sunday 2 May 2010

The ten top ways to be drubbed at youth group

first off i must explain the term drubbing for any adult or any emmanuel going person who has got no idea what the hell i am talking about.

drubbing = taking the mick out of.....
drubbed = to have the mick taken out of you/ someone/ insert name here

the word derives from kenny drubblestene who had the top halo gamerscore and so you would be drubbed if you got killed when playing halo. it then spread to general use.

like in this countdown

1. acting gay without a punchline.
well theres a time and a place for acting gay at youth. when its in the most sarcastic manner and when you know that at least 1.5 people will laugh or giggle. This is called acting gay with a punchline. and all those that just act gay because they can, sam, will be drubbed.

2. naming your bicepts
matt you better be happy that i keep mentioning you it wont be happening for long lol.

3.explaining an innuendo
the great part of british culture is our great ability to make something slightly unclean yet hilarious with just a tone of voice or one simple word. The big failing on some of the youth group i.e Tom cast, is that as soon as the said joke is finished they feel the need to giggle and then blurt out in the middle of church what the joke was actually referring to. that makes a v
ery awekward situation it also ceases to make the joke funny.

4.talking to daniel joseph ley
this isnt bad in itself but is a garuntee to be drubbed. hes brilliant at it and will do it as soon as given a chance. nowadays he results to either a facepalm (putting your palm to your face to simbolise the persons stupidity) or just using the term burke with expert precision.

5.stating that you have just lost the game.
yes i know the rules state that once you lose it you must tell everyone but unfourtunately at youth group its happening even more just annoy other members. this is perhaps one of the most efficient ways to be drubbed and will happen if you state the two word sentence. It makes it worse for certain people because of associations we have with the game that make us feel physically repulsed (like the mother worm)

6.mock "the Steve"
it should never happen. "the Steve" is the pastor of our church and for a long period of time ed kept saying he was the fourth in the trilogy of God, Father, son, holy spirit and the steve. wether he was joking or just being blatently blasphemus is irelevent. "the Steve" is in high respect and should be spoken about in the same regard. we love you steve!!

7.Knock the cup over

is it wrong to knock someones drink over? yes it is yet alot of the younger ones plus dan like to do this. this is an obvious way to annoy the owner of the drink and therefore to be drubbed. why do it guys i mean it may only be a polystyrene cup but its a drink at the end of the day. in service
i am guilty as charged on this one and so is alot of the youth group. we should be quiet in church but its so tempting to annoy ben rowe. this happens alot and usually the person committing the crime will be drubbed by dave.

9.failing to drubb someone else
yet another one tom cast is guilty of. when drubbing someone else for whatever reason it may be it is ALWAYS worse to fail the drub. you can do this by:
  • mumbling your words
  • having a backchat that was more effective than your original drubb
  • or failing to have a suitible reason for your drubb. (usually answered back with "can it")
if your going to do it, do it right.

10. backing up a drubbee
if someone is being drubbed its for a good reason. defending them is the equilivant of taking that drubb for yourself. this normally happens when somebody doesnt understand we are only drubbing and think we are just being mean. (abi wendels)

heres a picture of our church where this crazy stuff usually happens