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Monday 24 May 2010

THE LINK OF THE DAY and chapter 3

Today's BIG Fail - Angry Bottle Rocket
This video makes me laugh so much the sound makes it better and this is my monday magical link i might do more lets see how it goes hey.

I NEED FEEDBACK. and not by emailing my google account ben, by actually commenting on my blog, or emailing me at or maybe if you find it easier comment under the link on facebook as it hasnt got a layout invented by the idiot who did blogger. SOo moany different screens to do one thing.

ANYWHO i digress. I need feedback because at the moment it is chapter 3 of my three week book marrathon and martin is trapped in his hotel room without anything he can really do. PLS PLS feedback cus im crap at inventing a story line and im sure the 7 followers plus the readers who have nothing else to do on FB can come together to make a better one than i can do. plus now ive done 2 chapters i cant really stop now.

Chapter 3
Harringtons laywers firm, central office

"i could of had him Paul I could of had him"

Johns face was a picture, his latest case was a Mr Martin sommers and he was guilty. Blood everywhere, fingerprints, it was him and all he had to do now was arrive at court and ask the jury and they would say yes well that should of happened, but yet again he lost his cool.

"John, its three days and he will be back in court and you can convict him then, i mean its a strong case and his DNA everywhere"

Paul wasnt really paying attention to John and was spending his time munching an apple, reading the metro. something that to him was more interesting than the whines from John.

"yes i know that , but for god sake man, something isnt right with his motive, i mean hes a big guy this martin, its not like he would have to kill her for what he wanted"

Sweat beaded from his head, air con was out, again.

"John, hes a sick perverted maniac with a liking for women who dont fight back. Nothing else to it. I know it you know it and more importantly the jury know it now for God sake shut your face and get me a brew."

and thats what he did. even though the machine was about as useful as a community support officer. John had been working law for years. once a laywer you have a job for life. Especially when the economy goes. no money means more desperation which means more murders. Because of this John knew his job very well.

freinds and contacts in the police made him the wanted lawyer. He could get anyone behind bars if he wanted too although recently he was losing his cool in the court. Doesnt help when you have a newborn in the house, screaming until god knows when and obviously affecting his work. His wife Sarah, was responsible for that little gem, forgetting to take her daily pill.

Aside from the sick on the suite and the sleepless nights it wasnt so bad however. he had a family. The only problem is when your trying to convict someone for murder and you cant tell the difference between obvious and blatent evidence and the hunch that theres more to a case. This was why he had organised for sarah and the baby to move in with his mothers, hell for her but at least it meant he could get these few cases out of the way and get some sleep.

John was on his way back to his phone when he heard his phone ringing, carrying two teas isnt the most practicle way to pick a phone.

"Paul, could you get that mate im out of hands"

Paul diddnt even walk across from his office, he just looked through the glass partition opened the door behind him and rolled his chair from where he was sat to where Johns phone was. one lazy yet impressive sweep.

"Yeh, Harringtons, John saunders' office, who do i have the PLEASURE of talking to"

"Its a client you utter prat"

Paul knew it was a client and just stuck up his middle finger with a cheeky grin that could beat a five year old boy. after a lot of bull crapping over the phone he eventually passed it back to John who had only just put the teas down, and rolled back into his room yet again with no effort and landed back in front of the metro.

" Yes John saunders what can i do for you"

"I understand you are the man in charge of the Martin sommers prosecution"

"Yes thats correct can i ask who im talking to"

"are you still taking evidence?"
John was taken back, more evidence? that wasnt possible the evidence was huge already he could already take sommers down without a second thought. The problem is that it was almost certainly a prank call.

"im sorry who is this"

"i know something that may interest you mr saunders, your struggling over the idea of his motive ..."

"who is this, and how did you kn.."

"your quite right to be unsure, that wasnt his motive he wasnt after free sex mr saunders"
sweat was streaming down his face now and nothing to do with the air con.

"hang on ill write this down"

"i know why she died mr saunders, and i can prove it. we will be in touch"

"wait, hello. Dammit"

the phone was dead.

1 comment:

  1. dun dun dunnnnnn . . .
    they should call up sommers too and start making threats too hand in vital evidence to get him convicted, however this also makes him curious as to what the evidence is
    he doesnt know whats happened either, so we can find out at the same time as sommers, maybe you could get sommers and saunders to meet where this person tells them to (but sommers doesnt know saunderfs is invited too and vice versa) this leaves them at the meeting place with an envelope or something, no sign of the person
    they read it and we all find out at once what really happened
    then maybe the hunt could be on for sommers, or maybe saunders will try to help sommers out of it because theyve got it all wrong
    maybe hes crazy, insane, and he really did do it, but maybe hes being set up?
    but either way, theyre left together in the meeting place, with the explanation in in front of them
    will sommers run with the evidence to keep it from saunders because hes guilty? or will saunders and sommers become a team to try defend the life of sommers?
    tell us matt
