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Sunday 25 April 2010

My long awaited second blog actually about me

i say long awaited although thats just a blatent lie. noones been waiting for it ive just noticed the foul/ funny posts have been taking over recently and now im going to top you up with my latest rant on life.

i warn you now some of you may already of heard this one but it gets to me.
ok i dont have a problem with them in particuler its just the stupidness of them now.

firstly i swear to God himself that all women from the age of 16 to the age of around 34 that you see in town now all look the same thanks to long blonde straightened hair, tight jeans/ jeggings and last but not least the ugg boot.

which have got furryier and furryier as the months go on. it starts of with the bland but ok looking standard uggs. then people decide to take the furr from the inside and use the as nice linings so it adds a nice touch to the boot.

now in the typical style of the fashion world someone decided to take it a step too far, in this case they ran three miles over the point of too far.

have a look around next time your in town, and you will notice that the shins of nearly every women/ girl wearing ugg boots is like a yeti. completely covered in fur to the point where the person does not have shins any more they just have huge cankles (where it is impossible to define the difference between foot and ankle).

Now why bother shaving your legs or even going to the insanity of waxing them if your just going to cover them up with 40 times the amount of fur???

now i dont know much about fashion as you have probably guessed so jades blogg is the best if you care enough to read about it but she does agree about the boots last time i asked.