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Thursday 11 August 2011

Misty eyed

Isn't it brilliant when you try and organize an ice skating trip with mates who are unable to come on the same day. Oh well, me and Dan had a nice time at least.

It seems though that hardly anyone else had the idea of going skating today, it was virtually empty.
In fact the place was only just opened for public use so the ice had a mist that was settled at a certain level.

This level was at a certain level equal to where Dan's head is. Bless.
At least he doesn't where glasses, for it means that you end up misty eyed. 
When only Dan is around that's not really what you want.

However Dan was the least ridiculous person out of the few that were at the rink.

We had a confrontation...... With a very angry lass that was about 20 who had a go at us for taking the banter out of a certain man in full grey tracksuit because of the kind of skates he was wearing.

The grey tracksuite would of been a more obvious target of mocking but no. I think the term that was used was

"There different skates, are they hockey cus there kind of in the middle"

Apparently this man was very upset with the comments he heard and would like an apology. 

Thats when the man himself came forward and quite frankly left us alone after we repeated what we had said.

5 minutes of skating time...... wasted by the numptys of the public. Political correctness has reached a new height.

If you say something about someone else, irrelevant of whether its negative or not, it is offensive.