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Saturday 20 August 2011

2 hours late with an early start

Well the university clearing houses were open on Thursday from 8 in the morning.

That means that people from all over the country were finding out there grades and contacting there uni's in a race to get there place from 8 in the morning.

That means of course, that the Nottingham Emmanuel school had to open at 10 instead.
Well not that it matters to me im in year 13 next term but hey all my mates are in that lovely place of trying to calculate little "UCAS" points from that general studies exam you forgot about, that allowed you to just get into uni.

This means that when the school gates are shut, there's a hundred of impatient 18/19 year olds and even though the teacher who i have rung has said you can come in through reception (i wont explain why i have there number, its a long story, amusing.... but i dont have the time or effort) the lovely and slightly mindless receptionist is having none of it because its not 10 oclock......

its ten to 10.

Results openings are one of two ways, GREAT


If you get awesome grades, GREAT, if you get ok grades that you worked reasonably well for, GREAT, if you get bad grades, TERRIBLE, if you get ok grades but you spent every waking hour of your life studying in silence, TERRIBLE, if you get amazing grades but a man with a gun to your parents heads is going to shoot if you get an A, well it could be terrible but it depends on your parents.

well for me i broke this rule and created a third way.

I got a B in drama, C in computing and a D in Psychology. Not bad.
And there it is, NOT BAD