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Sunday 18 April 2010

why am i a christian

its because I have a partiality to wearing socks with sandals.......

yeah right, at first it was my parents who turned Christian when i was about 8 and like any 8 year old I went along with it. of course there is a god,
of course the Easter bunny exists, Santa does exist because he is my dad oh and of course my teeth stopped falling out because the tooth fairy was getting poor.

then i started to become aware of my own opinion, it was a rocky road with challenges and stumbling blocks that I still struggle with today, i couldn't tell the difference from my opinion and fact and i had problems with being wrong and i still struggle with the idea that other people have different opinions. (as if they have)

by the time i was 11 i diddnt beleive but to save all grief i would get from my parents namely christopher leigh. i lied. "yes jesus loves me woooohooooo"

hmmmmm. when i got to 13 i started to have a look around for some kind of scientific evidence against God. after all God is a ludicrous idea. one entity designing the entirity of the universe sounded about as believable as the idea of politicians avoiding corruption. but when i looked into it i found that alot of the top physicians in the world and most of the top guys in britain were christian.

so i stopped my search there. after all the evidence i wanted comes from a bunch of christians.....
and so i took the long and very stubborn road to beleiving and arguing with youth leaders.

i truely beleived when i was around 14 after a long winded argument with the God i diddnt beleive in at which i said " GOD WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH A RIDICULOUS IDEA TO BELEIVE IN!!!" and he answered "

for the same reason you like that hairstyle".
..... lol

ok not quite true but vaguely thats how it was. please leave a post on facebook if you can be bothered till next time sports fans

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