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Tuesday 20 April 2010

when i wikied about horrible parasites

ok here is the countdown of horrid pests. (not in any perticuler order just ones i find out first)

earwig is rarely known to be a parasite but looks horrid just the same errr.

Taeniasis is a tapeworm infection. Tapeworm infestation does not usually cause any symptoms. Infection is generally recognized when the infected person passes segments of proglottids in the stool, especially if the segment is moving. Mmm sounds like fun! Not. People acquire tapeworms by eating undercooked meat or freshwater fish that contain tapeworm cysts. Tapeworms in the intestine usually cause no symptoms but may cause abdominal discomfort, diarrhoea, and loss of appetite. Though however if they are in the brain, larval cysts cause various symptoms, such as headaches, seizures, and confusion. [JFrater: Given the choice of a picture of the worm itself, and the picture above, it was a no-brainer.]

3. Guinea worm
Guinea worm disease used to thrive in some of the world's poorest areas, particularly those with limited or no access to clean water, can grow to 2–3 feet long and be as thick as a noodle. larvae find their way to the body cavity where the female mates with a male Guinea worm. The male worm dies after mating and is absorbed.The female, which contains larvae, burrows into the deeper connective tissues or adjacent to long bones or joints of the extremities. FESTERING

2. Candiru the pee fish
Candirus are small fish. Adults can grow to around 15 cm with a rather small head and a belly that can appear distended, especially after a large blood meal. The body is translucent making it quite difficult to spot in the turbid waters of its home. There are short sensory barbels around the head, together with short, backward pointing spines on the gill covers. In this instance, the victim claimed that the candiru "jumped" into his urethra as he urinated while thigh-deep in a river. (his urethra being the hole where u pee from OUCH!)

1. The Ascaris worm
The next worm to grace our list is arguably the most disgusting of the lot. A larger cousin of the Hookworm, Ascaris is a giant sized roundworm that can reach as long as 40cm, as opposed to little over 1cm. It too sets up shop in its host's small intestine, using its characteristic mouth, which is surrounded by three less than luscious lips. Ascaris is in fact the parasite most familiar to us humans, though the fact that up to 25% percent of the world's population is infected certainly doesn't make it any more welcome in our bowels. Sickness, fever, and heavy infestations with severe intestinal blockages kill up to 20,000 people a year.

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