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Thursday 22 April 2010


yes here is my first in self help posts for your enjoyment. remember i hold no responsibility for you being a burke and actually beleiving what im about to type.

First step to becoming a less stressful and more relaxed individual is remembering to follow the 4 steps.

this is most in depth and individual step and should be taken with a degree of caution.
when in a situation of worry or stress just think. "who am i?" now remember events that you have been through or people that you know do not make up who you are!! think if your a cheery extrovert or a more secluded introvert and think should I be worrying about this? is this me?
If not then why are you worrying about this for god sake you will do a lot better for yourself if you keep to your own or keep to the important. and if this is you then your where you stop. relax and realising that you shouldnt be worrying about this..

2. Emotion
The second step is simple and is the step that everyone seems to skip to. How does this situation make you feel? if the sitaution is making you feel really bad then what is it about the situation thats making you feel this way? what exactly is the scource of all your worry, stress doubt or anxiety? without this step its impossible to move on so it is important to realise how you feel and why you feel like this. of course youve got to make sure that your not being irrational. like girls do when someone hurts there mate. "OH GOD HOW DARE THEY DO THAT TO HER SHES MY BEST MATE.......etc" remember in them situations as much as you would love to help your mate it isnt your problem to be feeling bad about and so if this is the start of all bad feelings... GET A GRIP.

3. Mind
This is a step wich everyone assumes they have done.
USE YOUR LOAF! (loaf = brain)
by this point you know that it is up to you to think about the situation (soul)
you know where the feeling of stress is from (emotion)
and now you have to think how to fix this situation. and no it wont feel better if you sit and worry about it. How are u going to go and fix this problem? if there isnt any physical thing you can do then stop thinking on the situation cus theres naff all you can do to help it.
and thats the key of this step.

This is the hardest part.....
youve thought of a solution so now is the time to get off your back side and do it!!!
if your still stressing after this you need to remember back to (mind) theres nothing else you can do so stop thinking on it!!! if the problem goes tits up at this point then thats a shame but you did your best so there is no point stressing about something that is certainly going to go wrong. just remember to prepare as much as possible for the cause of the worry and you should be fine.

and thats it pls leave your comments on facebook or here.

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