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Wednesday 3 August 2011

Paracetamol is a painkiller

I am going to get ribbed for this next sentence by all of you...

Mum I know your going to rib me for the following post......

I havnt done a post for a couple of days for a couple of reasons, most of all because i forgot but also cus i havnt felt so well. Which leads me to my main point, why when your ill does your mum keep on at you  to take paracetemol?

Dont get me wrong its a wounderous substance that has taken away the headaches of many a long and boring lesson or maybe even the dull ache caused by the dodgy curry the night before.
For this purpose its brilliant, however when im ill there is one problem i have.

aside from the fact that i already feel like heaving without swallowing a solid capsule,painkillers are for pain.
if i had a headache or some sort of pain then yeh great but i feel ill not in pain.

And so i sit to my own business looking paler every minute with a couple of parents on at me to take pills which as far as i can work out arnt designed to help me in this situation. Dont get me wrong, it never gets to the point where there force feeding me..... Ive never let it get that far.

So here is the question, do painkillers kill nausea? As the name suggests no blatently not, if there is a nausea killing pill tell me and i wont hesitate to pop them instead.

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