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Sunday 27 November 2011

Looking from a neutral percpective

Well that's an easy thing to do........

Well it is for me anyway, i can look at someone else and have an opinion in seconds. I even have a parlor tick where i can say word for word what people are texting to their boyfriend etc and understand what the person is thinking behind the text. Nice 21st century idea of a parlor trick.

but why is it when it comes to looking at your own life something always gets in the way of the neutral perspective something always gets in the way of the plain obvious.

This is the same for everyone and the people who would disagree with that are usually the people who arnt looking at their life from a neutral perspective. Unfortunately for me at the minute the one overruling thing which blinds me from the latent obvious truth is my self esteem.

dont get me wrong


im actually rather synical about that, but even I, Bruv, feels self concious. I know i dont look like it but hey this is what happens to an 18 year old lad i suppose. (i dont know why, i never used to care lol)

See lets take the good old relationship debate....

" im just too (insert irrational derogitary value here) for them, they are out of  my league so blatently"

I know, its sad isnt it. At one point or another most of us have though a variation on this. Instead of seeing the blind obvious truth that if Russel Brand gets to marry Katy Perry then its just proof that your pathically small bad value means nothing.

Thats fine and all and you could probably say that to your mate going through the same thing but when its your own life?!...

Theres one factor that gets in the way, and Thats our emotions. (why is it that when you say the word emotion a blog suddenly sounds deep?) Im sure that if it meant something to you, even "2+2" wouldn't seem so obvious.

I know people who have bottled out on a lot of things or chosen the wrong things to do because of the way they feel. Because instead of keeping a level head they've sided with their feelings.

Thats like trying to fly on a thermal because its the one thing you can feel around you, regardless of where its taking you. Sometimes you end up in the best place and sometimes you end up 10,000 feet over swansea with no easy way home.
We were given emotions to know what to feel about something, we were given our brains to understand why we feel that way and we were given our mind to make decisions accordingly.

Dont decide your life on how you feel, decide your life on the reasons why you feel. That way you keep a neutral outlook on your life and things that you havnt noticed about yourself will become plain to see.