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Sunday 31 July 2011

Its as hot as a sun burnt vindaloo

Have you ever seen a sun burnt vindaloo? no neither have i.

Which is exactly my point. its too hot. Since when does welsh weather make you feel like your in spain? since when does wollaton park end with you sweating like a pig? Well with me it does seem that happens in most situations...

Family is a weird subject for me, if anyone knows of the weird relations on my Dads side of the family you would understand my confusion. I dont really talk to my extended family much, mostly because we lead very different lives and the idea of extended family from both sides getting along doesn't really make sense in my head.

thats why when i had the chance to go to a castunstall gathering (see what i did there) i grasped the oppurtunity just to see cousins...TALKING IN ONE SOCIAL GATHERING

uncles get on, aunties are gossiping, lads are playing sports and jade is sat there with a magazine. It was well strange. Since when do families get on so well?

more importantly i see it as a threat to the rest of man kind. They know about everything and everyone before they should do because if one member knows someone then they all do because they talk.

Well that's scary, if you watch "the godfather" you will understand why.

At least its another bonding session that can only work for the better of the family my only problem is why in the hot summer would you meet in a deer infested field at wollaton hall?

Another event where ive come back "beached"

Saturday 30 July 2011

Rennie and Fifa

Well over the last week in wales i do believe that we spent more time in the penthouse than anywhere else. After being in llanelli for five minutes thats kind of understandable. however being in an enclosed enviroment has its downfalls.

1. Video games are rampant when there are more than one male with a controller, unlike my gender peers im not that competitive which means i lose appaulingly.

I might not be competitive but i hate losing.

2. People with indigestion problems are at most within 10 feet of you at any one time.

The belches are majestic yet make you gag at the same time.

3. being next to the beach means that the penthouse is the watering stop when out in the sun, this means certain people end up "beached" on the sofa.

It may have been me but the smell is just the same no matter who you are.

4. If you sleep at this penthouse there may find a pair of rather feminine metal legs in your bed.

Personally i thought this was genius but apparently this is a bad thing.

At least the view was amazing and at least the company was better than playing football with an angry pitbull.
that is unless they beleive your jacket belongs to a small korean girl........

Thanks Guys

Friday 29 July 2011

Rubba Dub Dub Thanks for the *ehem*...... Grub

The welsh town of Llinelli is a strange place.

The double ll in the word is not pronounced how you would think but sounds more like a spitting horse who has a particularly bad cough. It is also the only place where i have seen a burnt out car on a street which otherwise you would expect to find in an uptown suburb. The ASDA that is in the town is perhaps the only good attraction other than the beach which you arnt supposed to swim at (neither would you want to unless your name is luke). In fact in the past week on several occasions i have seen youths sat in the porch reception area.... hanging out.
That and its even possible to meet a local man who has never heard of nottingham or Robin Hood.

However despite these rather tepid surroundings filled with dodgy accents and a language which was invented by a man suffering with a cold and dyslexia at the same time, my time there has been completely different. For one, at "Celebration for the Nations" most people there were korean. The seaside views were amazing and i still cant figure out why you couldnt smell the sea even when you were 3 feet away.

6 hours a day of worship music, well i thought it would be too much, but even when i left the hall or sat at the back i dont think there has ever been a situation where it is undeniable that the whole room (singing or not) were talking to the big cheese ( out of awekwardness or not). Why on earth did they pick llanelli for this event?

Saying that 6 hours was all there was would be lying tbh, especially for alot of the koreans who i either saw in the meeting or outside praying, but for us humble shirelings from notts as well. I beleive that worship isnt just singing and any christian who has had any connection with riverside youth group will have been told this. There hasnt been any other moment that has shown the worship of god through freindship and in my case eating, at any other time in my life. Where else does a genius family of music meet with koreans, an everington, duo generations of wendels and freinds, a creature from lincoln with a first name disquised as his surname, the tellings and a lad who hasnt been called by his real first name since early childhood?

Only through the guy who made the rather rash decision to save a guy now known as Grub.